Friday, January 7, 2011

3 wishes

I often lay in bed and think of what I would wish for if genies actually existed and I were granted 3 wishes.  It seems like a simple thing, right?  3 wishes should be easily rattled off, but for me, it's not.  After all, genies are quite tricky, so when wishing for things of my magnitude, you have to be specific.

Wish 1:  That all my loved ones could have their ideal bodies.  Follow me with this one.  I don't mean they can change into Halle Berry or Channing Tatum, they would still have to be themselves but can rid their bodies of any ailments or what not.  There would be limits, no porn boobs or muscles the size of watermelons, you would still have to look normal by my standards, since it's my wish after all.  Things you could change are: no diseases, no cavities, no blemishes, no hair where you don't want it, no stretch marks, no fat cells, no scars, seriously, isn't this an awesome wish?  And not only do I wish it for myself but for my friends and family too... friends in high places, right?  Glad you are my friend now?

But I wouldn't let the wish stop there.  In having the ideal body, this would include the mind too.  I would personally wish to be fluent in not only English but Spanish and American Sign Language and, just for fun, German and Chinese :)  I would also throw in the ability to be a concert pianist and concert violinist, dance well in all areas, play basketball better than Michael Jordan, Halo better than Neighbor, etc.  I would also want to be smart.  I would be smart enough to have a doctorate in veterinary science.  Smart enough to keep up with my children so always able to help them with school work.  Smart enough to never get swindled or scammed.  Smart enough to know how to invest and retain money, things like that. 

You would still have to age.  There is no looking young forever, so that would be a limit to your alterations.  But you would get to "age gracefully" because hello, you have the healthiest body ever.

I think this wish is dedicated to my husband.  He has suffered from sever rheumatoid arthritis since he was a teen, officially diagnosed at 16 and so having someone in your life who lives with a chronic pain disease, makes you think twice about the human body and reminds one to be grateful for when it works right.

What would you wish for?  I will get to wishes 2 and 3 in the next weeks.  But yes, you feeling my wish or got a good one up your sleeve?